
class perses.bias.MinimizedPotentialBias(smiles_list, implicit_solvent=OBC2, constraints=HBonds)[source]

This class calculates the bias potential for expanded ensemble simulations, using a minimized potential energy as the bias.


g_k(molecule_smiles) Retrieve or compute the g_k for the given molecule
precompute_gk() A utility function to compute all the g_ks and return them as a {smiles : g_k} dict
__init__(smiles_list, implicit_solvent=OBC2, constraints=HBonds)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(smiles_list[, implicit_solvent, …]) Initialize self.
g_k(molecule_smiles) Retrieve or compute the g_k for the given molecule
precompute_gk() A utility function to compute all the g_ks and return them as a {smiles : g_k} dict

Retrieve or compute the g_k for the given molecule

g_k : float

Bias weight


A utility function to compute all the g_ks and return them as a {smiles : g_k} dict

gks : dict of type {string : float}
dict of {smiles : g_k}