Source code for perses.analysis.analysis

Analysis tools for perses automated molecular design.

* Analyze all but last iteration to ensure we can analyze a running simulation?


__author__ = 'John D. Chodera'


import os, os.path
import sys, math
import numpy as np
import copy
import time
import netCDF4 as netcdf
from openeye import oeiupac, oechem
import pickle
import json
import itertools
import pymbar
from perses import storage

import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Analysis(object): """Analysis tools for perses automated design. """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename): """Open a storage file for analysis. """ # TODO: Replace this with calls to storage API self._storage = storage.NetCDFStorage(storage_filename, mode='r') self._ncfile = self._storage._ncfile self.storage_filename = storage_filename self._environments = self.get_environments() self._n_exen_iterations = {} for environment in self._environments: self._n_exen_iterations[environment] = len(self._ncfile.groups[environment]['ExpandedEnsembleSampler']['logP_accept']) self._state_transitions, self._visited_states = self._get_state_transitions() self._logP_accepts = {}
[docs] def get_environments(self): """Return a list of environments in storage file. Returns ------- environments : list of str List of environment names in storage (e.g. []'explicit-complex', 'explicit-ligand']) """ environments = list() for group in self._ncfile.groups: environments.append(str(group)) return environments
def _state_transition_to_iupac(self, state_transition): """ Convenience function to convert SMILES to IUPAC names Parameters ---------- state_transition : (str, str) Pair of smiles strings for the state transition Returns ------- state_transition_iupac : [str, str] The pair of molecules in IUPAC names """ state_transition_iupac = [] for state in state_transition: mol = oechem.OEMol() oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol, state) iupac = oeiupac.OECreateIUPACName(mol) state_transition_iupac.append(iupac) return state_transition_iupac
[docs] def plot_work_trajectories(self, environment, filename): """ Plot the NCMC work trajectories for the given environment and each attempted transition Parameters ---------- environment : str Name of environment filename : str Name of output file """ w_t = {state_transition : [] for state_transition in self._state_transitions[environment]} for iteration in range(self._n_exen_iterations[environment]): logP_ncmc_trajectory = self._ncfile.groups[environment]['NCMCEngine']['protocolwork'][iteration, :] state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "state_key", iteration) proposed_state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "proposed_state_key", iteration) if state_key == proposed_state_key: continue w_t[(state_key, proposed_state_key)].append(-logP_ncmc_trajectory) w_t_stacked = {state_transition: np.stack(work_trajectories) for state_transition, work_trajectories in w_t.items()} with PdfPages(filename) as pdf: sns.set(font_scale=2) for state_transition, work_array in w_t_stacked.items(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28, 12)) ax1 = sns.tsplot(work_array, color="Blue") iupac_transition = self._state_transition_to_iupac(state_transition) plt.title("{} => {} transition {} work trajectory".format(iupac_transition[0], iupac_transition[1], "NCMC")) plt.xlabel("step (1fs)") plt.ylabel("Work / kT") plt.tight_layout() pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_sams_weights(self, environment): """ Plot the trajectory of SAMS weights :param environment: :return: """ pass
[docs] def plot_chemical_trajectory(self, environment, filename): """ Plot the trajectory through chemical space. Parameters ---------- environment : str the name of the environment for which the chemical space trajectory is desired """ chemical_state_trajectory = self.extract_state_trajectory(environment) visited_states = list(set(chemical_state_trajectory)) state_trajectory = np.zeros(len(chemical_state_trajectory)) for idx, chemical_state in enumerate(chemical_state_trajectory): state_trajectory[idx] = visited_states.index(chemical_state) with PdfPages(filename) as pdf: sns.set(font_scale=2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28, 12)) plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,0)) ax = sns.scatterplot(np.arange(len(state_trajectory)), state_trajectory) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(visited_states)), visited_states) plt.title("Trajectory through chemical space in {}".format(environment)) plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel("chemical state") plt.tight_layout() plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,1)) ax = sns.countplot(y=state_trajectory) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close()
[docs] def get_free_energies(self, environment): """ Estimate the free energies between all pairs with bidirectional transitions of chemical states in the given environment Parameters ---------- environment : str The name of the environment for which free energies are desired Returns ------- free_energies : dict of (str, str): [float, float] Dictionary of pairwaise free energies and their uncertainty, computed with bootstrapping """ logP_without_sams = self.extract_logP_values(environment, "logP_accept", subtract_sams=True) free_energies = {} n_bootstrap_iterations = 10000000 for state_pair, logP_accepts in logP_without_sams.items(): w_F = logP_accepts[0] w_R = -logP_accepts[1] bootstrapped_bar = np.zeros(n_bootstrap_iterations) for i in range(n_bootstrap_iterations): resampled_w_F = np.random.choice(w_F, len(w_F), replace=True) resampled_w_R = np.random.choice(w_R, len(w_R), replace=True) [df, ddf] = pymbar.BAR(resampled_w_F, resampled_w_R) bootstrapped_bar[i] = df free_energies[state_pair] = [np.mean(bootstrapped_bar), np.std(bootstrapped_bar)] return free_energies
def _get_state_transitions(self): """ Find the set of unique state transitions in each environment. This will be useful to retrieve various logP quantities. Returns ------- state_transitions_dict : dict of str: set of (str, str) tuple The set of state transitions that were attempted in each environment. This counts (s1, s2) and (s2, s1) as separate. visited_states_dict : dict of str: set of str The set of states that were actually visited in each environment. """ state_transitions_dict = {} visited_states_dict = {} for environment in self._environments: # first, find the set of unique state transitions: state_transition_list = [] visited_states = [] n_iterations = self._n_exen_iterations[environment] for iteration in range(n_iterations): state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "state_key", iteration) proposed_state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "proposed_state_key", iteration) visited_states.append(state_key) # if they are the same (a self-proposal) just continue if state_key == proposed_state_key: continue state_transition_list.append((state_key, proposed_state_key)) # get the unique transitions: state_transition_set = set(state_transition_list) state_transitions_dict[environment] = state_transition_set visited_states_dict[environment] = set(visited_states) return state_transitions_dict, visited_states_dict
[docs] def write_trajectory(self, environmnent, pdb_filename): """Write the trajectory of sampled configurations and chemical states. Returns ------- environment : str Environment name to write trajectory for pdbfile : str Name of PDB file to generate. """ # TODO pass
[docs] def extract_logP_values(self, environment, logP_accept_component, subtract_sams=False): """ Extract the requested logP_accept component from the ExpandedEnsembleSampler in the requested environment Parameters ---------- environment : str The name of the environment logP_accept_component : str The name of the component of the acceptance probability that we want subtract_sams : bool, optional, default False Whether to subtract the SAMS weights corresponding to the same iteration. Useful for logP_accept. Returns ------- logP_values : dict of (str, str) : list of float A dictionary for each state transition, with a list of the requested logP_accept component """ n_iterations = self._n_exen_iterations[environment] logP_values = {state_transition: [] for state_transition in self._state_transitions[environment]} #loop through the iterations and for iteration in range(n_iterations): state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "state_key", iteration) proposed_state_key = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "proposed_state_key", iteration) #if they are the same (a self-proposal) just continue if state_key == proposed_state_key: continue #retreive the work value (negative logP_work) and add it to the list of work values for that transition logP = self._ncfile.groups[environment]['ExpandedEnsembleSampler'][logP_accept_component][iteration] if subtract_sams: sams_weight = self._ncfile.groups[environment]['ExpandedEnsembleSampler']['logP_sams_weight'][iteration] logP = logP - sams_weight logP_values[(state_key, proposed_state_key)].append(logP) return logP_values
def _prepare_logP_accept(self, environment): """ Organize and retrieve the log acceptance probabilities for each of the transitions in the environment. Parameters ---------- environment : str The name of the environment Returns ------- logP_accept_dict : dict of (str, str) : list of 2 np.array A dictionary with a list of 2 np.arrays, one for s1->s2 logP_accept, another for s2->s1 logP_accepts have had their SAMS weights subtracted if relevant """ logP_accept_values = self.extract_logP_values(environment, "logP_accept", subtract_sams=True) logP_accept_dict = {} for state_pair in itertools.combinations(self._visited_states, 2): try: forward_logP = np.array(logP_accept_values[(state_pair[0], state_pair[1])]) reverse_logP = np.array(logP_accept_values[(state_pair[1], state_pair[0])]) except KeyError: continue logP_accept_dict[state_pair] = [forward_logP, reverse_logP] return logP_accept_dict
[docs] def extract_state_trajectory(self, environment): """ Extract the trajectory in chemical state space Parameters ---------- environment : str The environment for which the chemical state is desired chemical_state_trajectory : list of str The trajectory in chemical space for the given environment Returns ------- chemical_state_traj : list of str List of chemical states that were visited """ n_iterations = self._n_exen_iterations[environment] chemical_state_traj = [] for iteration in range(n_iterations): chemical_state = self._storage.get_object(environment, "ExpandedEnsembleSampler", "state_key", iteration) chemical_state_traj.append(chemical_state) return chemical_state_traj
[docs] def plot_ncmc_work_distributions(self, environment, output_filename): """ Plot the forward and reverse work distributions for NCMC switching in the given environment Parameters ---------- environment : str The name of the environment for which NCMC work should be plotted output_filename : str The name of the PDF file to output """ #get the unique transitions: state_transition_set = self._state_transitions[environment] visited_states_set = self._visited_states[environment] logP_values = self.extract_logP_values(environment, "logP_ncmc_work") #now loop through all the state pairs to plot each with PdfPages(output_filename) as pdf: sns.set(font_scale=2) for state_pair in itertools.combinations(visited_states_set, 2): iupac_pair = self._state_transition_to_iupac(state_pair) try: #use the negative for the forward work because the logP contribution of the work is -work forward_work = -np.array(logP_values[(state_pair[0], state_pair[1])]) reverse_work = np.array(logP_values[(state_pair[1], state_pair[0])]) except KeyError: continue fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28, 12)) ax1 = sns.distplot(forward_work, kde=True, color="Blue") ax2 = sns.distplot(-reverse_work, color='Red', kde=True) plt.title("{} => {} transition {} work".format(iupac_pair[0], iupac_pair[1], "NCMC")) plt.xlabel("Work / kT") plt.tight_layout() pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_exen_logp_components(self, environment, filename_prefix=None, logP_range=20, nbins=20): """ Generate histograms of each component of Expanded Ensemble log acceptance probability Arguments: ---------- environment : str The environment to use filename_prefix : str, OPTIONAL, default = None if specified, each plot is saved as '{0}-{1}'.format(filename_prefix, component) logP__range : float, optional, default=None If specified, will set logP range to [-logP_range, +logP_range] nbins : int, optional, default=20 Number of bins to use for histogram. Each histogram will be saved to {component name}.png TODO: include input filename storage ncfile has different hierarchy depending on which samplers are defined; this probably only works without SAMS sampling (otherwise top level groups are environments) """ ee_sam = self._ncfile.groups[environment]['ExpandedEnsembleSampler'] # Build a list of all logP components to plot: components = list() # Always show logP_accept components.append('logP_accept') # Summarize other logP groups for name in ee_sam.variables.keys(): if name.startswith('logP_groups'): components.append(name) if filename_prefix is None: filename_prefix = self.storage_filename.split('.')[0] filename = '{0}-logP-components.pdf'.format(filename_prefix) with PdfPages(filename) as pdf: logps = dict() for component in components: try: niterations = ee_sam.variables[component].shape[0] except: continue logps[component] = np.zeros(niterations, np.float64) for n in range(niterations): logps[component][n] = ee_sam.variables[component][n] # Drop NaNs logps[component] = logps[component][~np.isnan(logps[component][:])] plt.figure(figsize=(8,12)) nrows = len(logps.keys()) ncols = 2 for row, component in enumerate(components): # Full range try: col = 0 plt.subplot2grid((nrows,ncols),(row,col)) plt.hist(logps[component], bins=nbins) plt.title(component) except Exception as e: print(e) # Limited range try: col = 1 plt.subplot2grid((nrows,ncols),(row,col)) plt.hist(logps[component], range=[-logP_range, +logP_range], bins=nbins) plt.title(component) except Exception as e: print(e) plt.tight_layout() pdf.savefig() plt.close()
[docs] def plot_ncmc_work_old(self, filename): """Generate plots of NCMC work. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to write PDF of NCMC work plots to. """ with PdfPages(filename) as pdf: for envname in ['NCMCEngine', 'NCMCHybridEngine']: #self.get_environments(): modname = envname work = dict() for direction in ['delete', 'insert']: varname = '/' + modname + '/' + 'total_work_' + direction try: # TODO: For now, we analyze all but the last sample, so that this can be run on active simulations. # Later, we should find some way to omit the last sample only if it is nonsensical. work[direction] = self._ncfile[varname][:-1,:] print('Found %s' % varname) except Exception as e: pass def plot_work_trajectories(pdf, work, title=""): """Generate figures for the specified switching legs. """ plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) nrows = len(work.keys()) ncols = 6 workcols = 2 for (row, direction) in enumerate(work.keys()): # # Plot work vs step # col = 0 plt.subplot2grid((nrows,ncols), (row, col), colspan=(ncols-workcols)) # Plot average work distribution in think solid line plt.plot(work[direction].mean(0), 'k-', linewidth=1.0, alpha=1.0) # Plot bundle of work trajectories in transparent lines plt.plot(work[direction].T, 'k-', linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.3) # Adjust axes to eliminate large-magnitude outliers (keep 98% of data in-range) workvals = np.ravel(np.abs(work[direction])) worklim = np.percentile(workvals, 98) nsteps = work[direction].shape[1] plt.axis([0, nsteps, -worklim, +worklim]) # Label plot if row == 1: plt.xlabel('steps') plt.ylabel('work / kT') plt.title("%s NCMC in environment '%s' : %s" % (title, envname, direction)) plt.legend(['average work', 'NCMC attempts']) # # Plot work histogram # col = ncols - workcols plt.subplot2grid((nrows,ncols), (row, col), colspan=workcols) # Plot average work distribution in think solid line #nbins = 40 workvals = work[direction][:-1,-1] #plt.hist(workvals, nbins) if workvals.std() != 0.0: sns.distplot(workvals, rug=True) else: print('workvals has stddev of zero') print(workvals) # Adjust axes to eliminate large-magnitude outliers (keep 98% of data in-range) #worklim = np.percentile(workvals, 98) #oldaxis = plt.axis() #plt.axis([-worklim, +worklim, 0, oldaxis[3]]) # Label plot if row == 1: plt.xlabel('work / kT') plt.title("total %s work" % direction) plt.tight_layout() pdf.savefig() # saves the current figure into a pdf page plt.close() if len(work) > 0: # Plot work for all chemical transformations. plot_work_trajectories(pdf, work, title='(all transformations)')
# Plot work separated out for each chemical transformation #[niterations, nsteps] = work.shape #transformations = dict() #for iteration in range(niterations): # plot_work_trajectories(pdf, work, title='(all transformations)')